Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Awesome Highlighter is Awesome!

Awesome Highlighter is a website that people can use for research papers, articles, or anything (that the name implies) that you may want to highlight. When you visit the website you sign up for an account and then you recieve your own place to make yourself a profile. Once you have done this you are ready to start highlighting. If you are doing a research paper, getting information to write an article, or something you would like to keep to show to friends or family, you can keep the information by right clicking on the URL and pasting it on the highlighter page, and what this does is make a copy of the URL, so you can run the computerized highlighter across what information you want to stand out. What this does is it turns the highlighted words yellow as if you ran a highlighter across an actual printed page. The after you are done you can save the finish URL so you go to the website anytime and look at what you have done.

Awesome Highlighter from jon on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Microsoft Publisher

Mircosoft Publisher is a unique tool that comes with Microsoft Office that can be used to make colorful documents. Publisher can be used for worksheets or letters that teachers may want to create and use for their classes. It can be used to arrange pamphlets or booklets for different uses, as well as be used to make ads or newsletters. With Microsoft Publisher the documents can be made from scratch by adding text boxes or images, or you can use a pre-constructed template that all you have t o do is add what content you want, which can make doing what you need done a lot easier. You can change the sizes of the pages so you can make it as big, good for flyers, or little, like a pamphlet. You can add images for your work by adding them from the internet or upload form your personal collection. This program is very helpful and useful, it is a very nice program to have.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blogs are places on the internet that people can join and open a blog. What is a blog you may ask, well it is a place where people can write and explore what other people think of their writing, Teachers use the blogs to communicate digitally with students and other teachers. Sometimes people post their problems to get advice on what to do in certain situations, and lastly people can use a blog to keep a journal or diary.
One neat thing about a blog is that it can be public so people can respond, or private, as in keeping a diary. If a blog is private the only people who can see what you have posted are you and whoever you grant permission to see it. The way a public blog works is when a person post whatever is on their mind and where the blog is not private people can post comments about what is written.
Blogs can be a good or bad thing. A good thing about posting blogs is the some of the input from responses to your post may help you out with whatever concern or question you posted, but on the other hand a bad thing could be that whatever is put on the internet tends to stay on the internet so people need to pay attention to what they post.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The lesson we learned on Delicious was pretty amazing and informative. When you need to bookmark something this is the site and it is also a good way to do your research assignments because you can keep certain pages that have information that you need and keeps you from having to keep up with the URLs. This site is something like a favorites page that you may have on your computer sceen but a little more detailed. You can enter in tags to tag your bookmarks as well as leave comments about the pages.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Last Post

This is the last time we meet in this class and I personally have learned a lot about the many different programs that the internet has to offer. It can be fun to talk to the other using blogs and emails, as well as how the brainstorming page can help you take notes for paper or ideas that you have to come up with. Personally I've had fun but wont be able to do anymore of this since where I live does not have anything but dial up. Have a great summer.

This Day in History.

Today in 1945. Benito Mussolini and his mistress were executed by the Italian resistance movement. Mussolini was captured while escaping the Switzerland. several high-ranking Fascist officials, and some other Fascist hanger-ons were taken to Dongo. On April 28 they were summarily executed. Many of the corpses, including those of Mussolini and Petacci, were later taken to Milan and hung up-side down in a square near Milan's Central Station. This place was chosen because it had been the site of a massacre of anti-Fascists by Fascist militia under German orders the previous year. Fifteen Fascists were exhibited in the square; this number had significance seeing as 15 anti-Fascists had been displayed in the square in 1944.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

On this Day

Today is March 10th 2010 on this day 65 years ago 334 B-29 U.S. Bombers dropped incendiaries destroying 267,000 buildings and destroying over 25% of the city of Tokyo trying to get Japanese to surrender in World War II. Over 100,00 people are killed in the operations that day. Raids like this lasted for six whole months before the use of the Atomic Bomb. This picture show the blast as they occur when the bombs were dropped and hit their targets.